Last week I got shingles on my head and face
I bought MMS a year ago but never used it, I read all the negative reports and was too scared to use it so it sat in the fridge.
Last week I got shingles on my head and face for the first time ever, It was agony and it started spreading to the other side of my face the blisters going right into my eyelids, my whole face swelled like a balloon and both my eyes closed shut.
I was taking every vitamin, mineral, olive leaf extract, colloidal silver, yes everything you could think of.
I was so concerned about how this was spreading and it was agony that I decided to make up a solution of MMS. I made 20 drops of MMS and 20 drops of activator and put them in a 2oz bottle and topped it up with distilled water.
I sprayed my whole head and face every hour and went to bed. Unbelievable overnight the pain stopped and I got to sleep, when I got up in the morning my eyes were both opened and the swelling dramatically subsided. The blisters and rash dramatically diminished.
It stopped the spread dead in its tracks I am absolutely convinced of that.
The only side effect was that because it was such a strong solution it slightly lightened my hair.
- Parent Category: Testimonials
- Shingles