I have seen this compound eradicate..
- Name: Chaz
Good morning everyone. I have read many many posts on this site and I have studied alternative medicine for decades in an effort to "beat the system" with regards to the high price of health care. I have tried many remedies for many things over the years in my attempt to find what really works and what is simply hype and overexageration. Within the last 12 months I have discovered a compound that is absolutely fascinating although not very pleasant to the taste. I had a tumor on my vocal chords and this resulted in a cancer scare.
I was on the alternative cancer cure studies day and night and happened across a compound that consisted of Chlorine Dioxide. I studied the compound for 5 weeks night and day and studied it both inside and outside of alternative medicine. I ingested all of the data that I could find on the subject and ended up making a purchase of the product. I have tested the compound and found it to erradicate any type of harmful microbe that may be living in the human system. I have seen this compound eradicate swine flu, herpes, and chlamydia just to name a few microbes.
I have run lots of field tests on it to verify its effectiveness and have not seen it fail once. I believe this compound should be in everyones pantry who wants to have an alternative anti-microbial agent. I've seen this stuff erradicate MRSA in one day. It's estimated that it is roughly 100 times stronger than any antibiotic that we have now. It's no joke though and should be taken after being studied with due diligence."
- Parent Category: Testimonials
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