Endocarditis is totally resolved - gone
- Name: Pip
- Website/Source: https://www.jahealthadvocate.com/mms-testimonials.html
Heard about it from three different parts of the world - a German doctor of nuclear medicine (mother of one of my woofers) has taken it for 5 weeks. Says she hasn't felt this good for many years and now just been back to her cardiologist and run the tests and scans - her endocarditis (bacterial infection of membranes of heart) is totally resolved - gone. It came also recommended by health professional friends in Australia, as well as one of the SNFTAAS members.
I thought if this many people are telling me to look at it within the same space of time, I had better do. Also my son William got glandular fever back in Easter 2009 (first had it when he was 16) - not having much else on hand, I sent him MMS1 and 2. When I rang the following Sunday night he said he felt heaps better in 3 days, and had spent all weekend extreme kayaking on the West Coast - he felt and feels fine.
- Parent Category: Testimonials
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